Sunday, March 27, 2011


I cannot believe that my last post was last october 2010. Jeez, it's March 2011, so that makes it 4 months?

Oh well. What can I say, if you actually read this blog, some of the last posts that I have made were about finding a new job. Yes, I'm still employed in that job and yes, I'm still surviving. 

Surprise! I'm planning to resign. Not soon yet, probably because I'm still in deep shit now. I have made a grave mistake which entails me to pay a rather big amount of money, and I am on a downward spiral. I haven't been sleeping properly during the past few days, because of excessive thinking and paranoia.

I really don't know what to do anymore, my reputation is totally ruined. (I totally sound like a movie line)

Sorry, for the random rants. I need just some sort of exit from all of this. It's really hard.