Tuesday, December 1, 2009


due to STRESS OVERLOAD i decided to buy myself a gift, since i got 60/60 ( actually it was 53/60, but due to the bonus question..voila!!) in our very first PD quiz.... my new blackish/grayish suede boots!! yipee..♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


I suddenly remembered one sunday afternoon. my neighbor's daughter who just came from Canada was hanging out at our apartment. Hannah, had an awesome accent. it was so cute. We were watching the annual Macy's Thanksgiving parade on TV. since the child was just a mere 4 years of age, i had to adjust on the kind of language i was using.

i suddenly found myself saying "oh look, it's a big red star!", and hannah would say " yeah, but stars are usually white, because they're way up!" okay..so for a four year old to say that stars are millions of light years away, in a simple and clear way was weird. 4 year olds in the philippines would be dancing to the tune of Nobody by wondergirls and hardly even cared if the stars were either white or red.

So anyway what about boots? so we were watching the macy's parade when ziggy marley started singing. he was holding his daughter who was hugging him tightly. and then i said " oh look, she has pink shoes", and so Hannah corrected me by saying " they're not shoes, they're boots! i have boots too!". it was cute, and quite embarassing to know that shoes and boots where two VERY different things..errrr..

okay so i love boots, and i envy hannah because in canada, its normal to wear a comfy pair everday. i bought a new pair and  i wore it for the first time last weekend. i LOVED it!

and i just wanted to share with you guys, pictures which i picked up from the world wide web:



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